List of most famous tigers of Tadoba National Park

  • By JAGAT
  • May 16, 2023
  • Comments (1K)
tadoba tour

Tadoba National Park is one of the most popular national parks in India, which is situated in Maharashtra, India. It is home to a various and wide range of flora and fauna, which makes it an ideal place to travel. The park is famous for the presence of tigers and many tigers became an iconic symbol of the park's natural beauty, as they represent beauty and strength. So in this blog, we are going to discuss some of the very popular tigers of Tadoba in detail and will explain what makes them different from other tigers.

Tigers: Main Attraction of this Park:

1. Maya: Maya is the most famous tigress of Tadoba National Park, and she is popularly known as the queen of Tadoba. The reason she is designated as the queen is all because of her exceptional hunting skills and fierce nature. She is the daughter of another famous tigress and warrior named Madhuri, who died in 2016. Maya was born in the year 2010 and now she is 12 years old and she’s been ruling this national park since then. And she is just not a good queen but she is also known to be a good mother and has successfully raised several cubs in the park.

2. Matkasur: Matkasur is known to be the king of Tadoba National Park, and he is known for his distinctive markings and powerful build. He is a little different from other tigers because of rearing. Rearing is almost impossible in male tigers but he has been protecting cubs and tigress Maya from many deadly threats. There are many tigers in this park but he still holds the position of the king very well. And the reason behind his name Matkasur is his body structure. As his body is huge and his belly looks like a big pot. The main reason behind his popularity is that he has been winning over and over again against the other popular and strong tiger Gabbar. Matkasur is known to be a fierce hunter and has successfully taken down several large prey animals.

3. Gabbar: Gabbar is another dominant male tiger of Tadoba National Park and he is well known for the scar on his face and this is the reason behind his popular name which is scarface. And he is one of the favorite tigers of photographers because of his impressive size and strength. He is named after the famous Bollywood villain Gabbar Singh, due to his thrust nature. Gabbar is believed to have fathered many cubs in the park.

4. Bajrang: Bajrang is another famous male tiger of Tadoba National Park, the ancestor of this tiger is not known yet but it is believed that he has come to Kolara Buffer Area. And because he is strong and has sheer size, Bajrang not only made his place in this park but also become one of the most known tigers of Tadoba. He has kept several female tigresses under his territory but Bajrang and Coti Tara are a very famous pair and one of the favorite pairs of visitors. Bajrang is believed to be the father of over 30 cubs in the park.

5. Choti Tara: Choti Tara is a famous tigress of Tadoba National Park, she is the tigress who tried to fight Maya many times and still alive. The thing which makes her different from other tigers or tigresses in the park is her flexibility and speed. She is named after another tigress named Tara, who was killed in a territorial fight, Tara was believed to be her mother. Choti Tara is believed to be the mother of several cubs in the park and is a popular sight among visitors. But after she was pushed to the park’s fringes, her two daughters are handling her territory. The two daughters are now catching the attention of the visitors, who now recently tried to fight Queen Maya but failed.

6. Sonam: Sonam is a famous tigress of Tadoba National Park, and she is the daughter of the very popular and strong tigress Madhuri. She has 3 more sisters Mona, Geeta and Lara. They are a little different from other tigers' behavior. As it is a tendency that tigers like living alone and they also like hunting alone but these four sisters hunt together. The group is now very popular and known as Telia Gang. Sonam is known for her striking appearance and fierce nature.


Tadoba National Park is home to several famous tigers as we have discussed above and their uniqueness is the reason behind them being an integral part of the park's natural beauty. If you are planning to visit Tadoba this might be the Best time to visit Tadoba as you might get an opportunity to witness these tigers. Hope you have a great visit to Tadoba National Park and hope you witness these beauties.